Entry #47
Yew (Taxus Baccata)
91cm (35.8")
The tree was selected almost purely based on availability. I do not have loads of stock sitting around, so I have to drive around the area a little looking for suitable material. Taxus is a species which I really like for the berries, flexible wood and great smell. So when I saw this individual I knew:: It had to be a taxus. The tree has a nice color to it, which is wat drew me to it. Upon inspection, the base of the plant is twisted a little, with roots all around, making this a nice individual, slightly more interesting than the others in the lot.
Unfortunately, all growers in the region keep their plants in full ground. So the plant needed potting up for the contest. I carefully removed part of the rootbal; Te lower half showed no recent growth; All growth was in the top of the rootbal (To me indicating a poor watering regime at the growers facilities). This allowed for placing in a faily shallow container. Because of the potting-up, not much was done. All I did was clean out the plant, remove unwanted branches that provided shade to the lower part of the canopy. The plant will be left for some 2 weeks, before styling is done. I am in doubt between a formal upright with very little to no foliage, and a died-of tree with a side-branch taking over from the main trunk. Proper trimming and wiring will tell which way to go I suppose.