In the movie we show the following Bonsai trees: 1. Acer Palmatum (50 years) 2. Azalea in cascade style (40 years) 3. Wisteria (45 years) 4. Acer Palmatum (25 years) 5. Juniperus Chinensis (65 years) 6. Larch in forest style (8-17 years) 7. Pinus [...]
Here are some pictures I took at the Omiya Bonsai Art Museum in Japan. The world’s first publicly-run Bonsai Museum has been opened here in Saitama City. The Omiya Bonsai Art Museum, Saitama, which lies adjacent to the renowned Omiya Bonsai Village, [...]
I started visiting bonsai nurseries and retail outlets that I’ve never even bothered to look at in the past and the trees they carried really inspired me. The people at these nurseries were really knowledgeable and offered me tons of advice that helped [...]
The words ‘companion’ and ‘accent’ are used interchangeably to indicate a plant or object used in bonsai display. Last year I made a post of several in my backyard… …and here are a few more. I have been heavily [...]