Entry: Conocarpus Erectus – Buttonwood – Venezuela – WITHDRAWN
ofBonsai Magazine
This tree was originally a branch collected about 2 years ago, cut from a large mangrove in a coastal area of Venezuela. After spending 6 months in the greenhouse and in a container without drainage full of hormones, changing the water every 15 days, finally filled with roots abundant enough to be planted in an inorganic substrate achieving survival.
In the photo seen the tree planted in a nursery pot where it’s been a year and a half, the position in which it is planted is not what i have planned in the design as it will be much more inclined to what I believe is his best front. With the branches i´ll create a group of primary leaves with the same stem sinuosity and feminism in order to integrate forms, making it believable and natural.
I will make a small work of dead wood to smooth the cut at the top.
The final pot should be a rectangular one with sober dark colors, but the final decision will depend on the evolution of the tree.
One Quarter Progression
Firstly proceeded to grow the plant in a pot that although not definitive, helps give a clearer picture of where to direct the design, I changed the angle slightly seeding to increase the women’s movement of the trunk. I also eliminated the branches definitely not be used for the design that I have planned.
En primer lugar procedí a sembrar la planta en un pote que a pesar de no ser el definitivo, ayuda a dar una imagen más clara de hacia dónde dirigir el diseño; modifique ligeramente el ángulo de sembrado para incrementar el movimiento femenino del tronco. También eliminé definitivamente las ramas que no servirán para el diseño que tengo planificado.
Half Way Progression
In this phase proceeded to defoliate the tree to have a clearer vision of where to direct the design. As seen in the pictures, this plant is directed heavily towards the left (front) so I will focus on designing and wiring all its branches to the right, thus achieving a consistent visual and aesthetic balance to the conditions of this suggests that growth.
At its base I noticed significant roots go slowly discovering to achieve its thickening, creating a base for the future that will give more stability to the tree.
En esta fase procedí a defoliar el árbol para tener una visual más clara de hacia dónde dirigir su diseño. Como se puede apreciar en las fotos, esta planta se direcciona fuertemente hacia su izquierda (visto de frente) por lo que voy a enfocarme en diseñar y alambrar todas sus ramas hacia la derecha, para lograr así, un balance visual y estético coherente para las condiciones de crecimiento que este sugiere.
En su base pude notar importantes raíces que iré descubriendo poco a poco para lograr su engrosamiento, generando a futuro un nebari que le otorgará mayor estabilidad al árbol.
Three Quarter Progression
Once I started wiring noticed that his real face I will locate slightly turned to the right, which leads to greater breadth at its base and allow me to enjoy the grace of the women’s movement of the trunk, even when the mass of foliage is fully formed. Still not sure of leaving or eliminate deep branch, the evolution of the tree will tell me the future.
On the other hand, I have planned to do work of deadwood, to decrease the volume of the cut made during the collection of this branch and take weight, offering better balance. The spot where I sprouted branches suggests that the entire bottom is dead so go carefully checking where the vein starts to extend living and achieve well wood work to the base, making it more natural and coherent.
Una que comencé el alambrado noté que su verdadero frente lo voy a ubicar ligeramente girado a su derecha, donde genera una mayor amplitud en su base y me permitirá disfrutar de la gracia del movimiento femenino de su tronco, inclusive cuando la masa de follaje esté totalmente formada. Aún no estoy seguro de dejar o eliminar la rama de profundidad, la evolución del árbol me lo dirá a futuro.
Por otro lado, tengo planificado hacer trabajo de madera muerta, para disminuir el volumen del corte hecho durante la recolección de esta rama y quitarle peso, logrando así un mejor balance. El sitio por donde brotaron ramas me sugiere que toda la parte inferior está muerta por lo que muy cuidadosamente iré verificando donde comienza la vena viva y lograr extender así el trabajo de madera hasta la base, haciéndola más natural y coherente.

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