Trees Beginners will get the best start by choosing trees that are within their capabilities. An outdoor tree, indigenous to the area, is likely to be most successful. Some of the most easily available bonsai, such as those in most garden centres, high [...]
Still photographs are generally accepted to be the best way to record the progress of a tree from initial training to maturity. They also assist in the planning of future changes in the design. Video can be a more appealing method of displaying the [...]
To the newcomer all bonsai are unusual. Anyone with an abiding interest may find that the repetition of working with the same old species, in a limited number of styles, becomes jaded in time. If we look beyond our indigenous species and traditionally [...]
Lanterns are a classic component of the Japanese garden and a worthwhile addition to the bonsai display area. There are many distinct types, in sizes and styles to suit most tastes. Authentic carved stone lanterns are very expensive due to the [...]
Also known as Monkey Poles, these are the ideal way of displaying a specimen tree individually and thus concentrating attention upon it. They allow you to walk around your tree, appreciating it from all angles and perhaps attending to a little judicious [...]
A good display bench is essential for the outdoor display of bonsai. Once your trees have developed to the stage where you are proud of them, keeping them on a purpose built bench has many advantages. Among these are: Healthy growth. Regular observation [...]
A friend returned from Tokyo recently and recounted his amazement at the freedom from crime that the population (including bonsai artists) enjoy in Japan. He was able to walk along narrow alleys behind and between houses and observe many hundreds of [...]
One of the most reliable methods for propagating material for bonsai is by layering. It is almost foolproof. Layers can be taken from many plants that are difficult from cuttings. You can even layer from a mature bonsai that you wish to redesign. This [...]