Scale are another ubiquitous garden variety pest in temperate regions. Scale insects are small insects of the order Hemiptera, generally classified as the superfamily Coccoidea. There are about 8,000 species of scale, with many of that rather large number [...]
Aphids are a ubiquitous garden variety pest in temperate regions, as irritating on our tomatoes as they are on our bonsai. Also called plant lice and greenflies, Aphids are part of the insect superfamily of Aphidoidea (which pretty much covers all of the [...]
Scientific Name: Acer buergerianum Common Names: Trident Maple, three pronged maple, san jiao feng, Chinese ahorn, tokaede Cultivars: Acer b. formosanum, the Taiwan or Formosan Trident. ‘Eastwood Cloud’ – Almost pure white spring [...]
Scientific Name: Acer palmatum Common Names: Japanese maple, smooth barked Japanese maple, kaede, momiji Cultivars: There are too many cultivars of Japanese Maples to list here. For a far more complete list, I highly recommend the book, Japanese Maples, [...]
Scientific Name: Pinus banksiana Common Names: Jack Pine, Eastern Jack Pine, Black Jack Pine, Black Pine, Jerry Pine, Prince’s Pine, Princess Pine, Bank’s Pine, Banksian Pine, Hudson Bay Pine, Gray Pine (usually refers to P. sabineana), Northern Scrub [...]
“O olive tree, blessed be the earth that nourishes you and blessed be the water you drink from the clouds and thrice blessed He who sent you for the poor man’s lamp and the saint’s candle-light”. – Folk song from Crete [...]
Scientific Name: Bougainvillea Common Names: Bougainvillea, Paperflower Species: B. glabra – most frequently used for bonsai cultivation. Magenta bracts. B. spectabilis – pink or mauve bracts B. peruviana – rosy pink bracts. B. [...]