Shohin Bonsai: Majesty in Miniature is, I believe, the first shohin bonsai book ever published in English. It is written by one of the foremost experts of shohin bonsai in the world. I had high expectations of this book, and was not disappointed. Morten [...]
I know what you’re thinking: “How could a book with 101 bonsai tips only be 72 pages?” When I was new to bonsai this never crossed my mind, but today it makes me realize that not all of the “tips” are really tips. I would have [...]
Pines: Growing and Styling Pine Bonsai is a compendium of articles originally published in Bonsai Today Magazine that have been re-edited and updated to ensure the most current information available. As part of Bonsai Today Masters Series, this book is [...]
This book contains 99 high quality full color pictures of world class bonsai, all of which have graced the covers of the infamous Bonsai Today Magazine. They are printed on thick, glossy paper which means that they should hopefully withstand many page [...]