Basically, we don’t pinch junipers. We cut new long extensions with scissors…and I know that in itself will raise some eyebrows. There’s a lot of misinformation out there about junipers. For starters, needle and scale junipers are maintained totally [...]
Name of the Tree: Pemphis acidula Bonsai Titles : casper Tree Height: 43 cm (17 inches) Pot Height: 14.5 cm (6 inches) Pot Length: 43 cm (17 inches) Pot made in Bali It is a delight to comment on such a beautiful and well-crafted tree. My comments will [...]
Despite of the fact that this bonsai is pictured without pot, but it is just too good for a critique; however, I try to figure out some aspects which can be improved. As I mark on the below picture (I also put it in a pot, round or oval may fit to it), [...]
This 2004 TV documentary was filmed during Michael Hagedorn’s bonsai apprenticeship in Nagano, Japan. It gives an amusingly, endearingly inaccurate view of the apprenticeship… Michael did not eat a large hamburger every night after work. [...]
The words ‘companion’ and ‘accent’ are used interchangeably to indicate a plant or object used in bonsai display. Last year I made a post of several in my backyard… …and here are a few more. I have been heavily [...]
Post-Dated: The Schooling of an Irreverent Bonsai Monk, by Michael Hagedorn. Crataegus Books, 216 pp., $14.95. Available from Crataegus Books and Amazon. Before Michael Hagedorn completed his apprenticeship – before, even, he left for Japan, I was excited [...]