Before The tree was collected as an Airlayer from a very old tree in April 2011. it Has been recovering since then and the top section of the initial layer has since been layered off again last year, and the stump reduced to what it is now. The tree will [...]
Before Bougainvillea is a popular material for cheap bonsai here in the Philippines, it is easly to grow and can produce well ramified branches with proper care. This tree was part of a hedge that will be removed to give way for an expanded carpark. It [...]
Before Bougainvillea is a popular material for cheap bonsai here in the Philippines, it is easly to grow and can produce well ramified branches with proper care. With this particular material, I plant to design it in the informal upright style and will [...]
Before This is a huge Bougainvillea, it is 50 inches tall, and was purchased from a local landscaper who took it from a new construction project where they didn’t want it. Cost $25 usd. I liked the fact that it had multiple trunk lines and I thought one [...]