William Valavanis has another book coming out in early June, he has personally asked me to do a review of his book that took 50 years to make. Knowing Bill and his efforts and accomplishments in the bonsai community and around the world made me wonder [...]
Overview Ken Norman has written several books dedicated to bonsai, but this collaborative effort with Charles Chesshire is one of the most comprehensive and exhaustive (if not exhausting!). At 512 pages, this book is a tome. As the title suggests, it [...]
I was very excited when I first saw that Bonsai: A Patient Art was set to come out this year. I love bonsai books of this variety, coffee table book with mostly pictures of exquisite bonsai trees. Personally I am completely okay with the trend of this [...]
When receiving this book from ofbonsai the first thing I noticed was the quality of the book and printing, Very solid well bound book with color pictures and thick pages, perfect for the heavy ready like myself. Getting into this book was very easy, the [...]
Overview Ken Norman has written several books dedicated to bonsai, but his most popular is the subject of this review. With a name like this: The Complete Practical Encyclopedia of Bonsai: The essential step-by-step guide to creating, growing, and [...]
At first glance this book is very well constructed, for a paper edition. At 8 1/4″ x 11 1/2″ and 287 pages it will fit on most book shelves. It would also make a great coffee table book. The photography is top-notch. All of the bonsai and [...]
Shohin Bonsai: Majesty in Miniature is, I believe, the first shohin bonsai book ever published in English. It is written by one of the foremost experts of shohin bonsai in the world. I had high expectations of this book, and was not disappointed. Morten [...]
I know what you’re thinking: “How could a book with 101 bonsai tips only be 72 pages?” When I was new to bonsai this never crossed my mind, but today it makes me realize that not all of the “tips” are really tips. I would have [...]