I dug this plant from my old farm on 10 01 2013. They were 3 plants like a clamp. I separated them, and reduced the long branches. Planted it directly in the ground. It did not skip a bit and budded shortly. It had very little roots when I dug it out. [...]
Before Aviccenia germinans, it is one of the best species to work with in the American tropics, however rarely do one see bonsai from the species, I would guess that it is because of the apparently larger leaves, as compare to bottonwood (conocarpus [...]
Before Haematoxylum campechianum (Logwood) is a species of flowering tree in the legume family, Fabaceae. The old wood from this tree is extremely hard, one of the hardest I seen, the wood is dark red (haematoxilin is extracted from this tree) and that’s [...]
Before My tree that I am entering into the contest is a Buttonwood, the Scientific name is Conocarpus Erectus. The tree currently stands 43 inches not including the plastic nursery pot that has been cut down. The width is 29 inches. The tree was purchased [...]
Before Esta especie es una Enriquebeltriana Cretinifolia con una altura de 74cm.(29″) recolectada a unos pocos kil. de donde vivo y donde hay muy buenos ejemplares de esta especie y algunos muy viejos con mucho potencial para bonsái,estos árboles [...]