Entry #5
Judge #1: With long-term development, could be a great little tree.
Judge #3: Nice use of starting material. With thicker lower branches, it will be very nice.
Parrot's Beak (Gmelina philippensis or Gmelina hystrix)
Puerto Rico
33cm (13")
This tree was collected in the wild. There were three found in an area close to my house. Very rare to see it here in Puerto Rico, I recognize it by the yellow flowers. I thought they were small. The leaves were very big compare to that seen in pictures in the internet. Upon collection the tree was cut back severely to reduce height, tree was about four feet in height, an ensure tree survival(typical yamadori cut). This cuts can be seen in the pictures. Not sure how they will heal. I also cut a all branches to promote re-growth. Also the rootball was cut drastically to fit the desired training plastic tray. Basically, I gave the tree all the shock on the same day. I am entering the tree because it will be a challenge as all depends on were and how the new growth occurs. I am not really experienced with the species. I became intrigued by it after seeing one that Master Pedro Morales exhibited in the 3rd National Show.
One Quarter Progression
Here is the One Quarter Progression photo of my entry.
Half Way
The Gmelina went thru a complete re styling process. After collecting it it was left see how it will sprout. The first styling was done with that.
Three Quarter Progression
After that tree responded well to the feeding. New branches develop. With that a new front was selected. I think this front shows the strenght of the tree better, while it still retains balance. I decided to create the canopy this way to show a more tropical tree.
This is the final stage of the Gmelina for the contest. Long way to go towards my goal, but so far is a big improvement over such a period of time and I’m very satisfied. This is the final front as it shows a more tropical shape. The planting position in the pot is for training purposes. The pot is from Erin Pottery, but will not be his final pot. There is work to be done overall, but right know I’m working on the second branch thickening. Had to cut it in order to show a “complete” tree. Now after these photos the tree will be let to grow for a season to develop taper on the branches and more ramification. I think the tree has a future as a Bonsai. Hope you like the final product and thanks for the oportunity to show my work!