Entry #51
Crape myrtle (Lagerstroemia indica)
25cm (9.8")
El material fue recolectado del patio de una residencia que iba a ser demolida.
Se pretende realizar un Bosque en estilo balsa.
El Material fue recolectado y trasplantado en una caja de madera de 70 cm X 60 cm X 20 cm.
El Arbol Recolectado tiene unas dimensiones naturales de 65 cm ancho X 45 cm profundidad X 25 cm de altura.
The material was collected from the yard of a residence that was to be demolished.
It tries to make a raft style Forest.
The material was collected and transplanted into a wooden box of 70 cm X 60 cm X 20 cm.
The Collected Tree has natural dimensions of 65 cm wide x 45 cm deep x 25 cm high.
One Quarter Progression
proceeded to let it grow sprouts to create the main branches.
Half Way
Exfoliation leaves for dead wood work was done. Some logs were removed from the center to give better balance to the composition.
Three Quarter Progression
After working deadwood branches will remain as main selecionaron. Sealant was placed cuts. Cleaned by spraying water.