Entry: False Olive – Buddleja saligna – South Africa
ofBonsai Magazine
The tree was collected one year and two months ago close to my hometown. The recovery was slow for the first year but it has taken of now. This tree has an amazing lower trunk and will make a nice lightning struck bonsai. This is the only species I have that can be styled in a believable bonsai in the time frame we have.
The newspaper is a local Afrikaans newspaper called RAPPORT.
One Quarter Progression
I let the tree grow out freely to strengthen the tree.
Half Way Progression
This shows the initial carving done to create some taper with this lightning struck style tree. I followed the flow of the deadwood with the initial carving.I have also done some work on the removed branch area. I will refine the carving after the tree have recovered from the wiring and bending.
Three Quarter Progression
This shows the tree after some wiring and bending. I have created three sub trunks going up straight and wired most of the remaining twigs as branches. They will be reduced after growing them out because you can’t be too careful- this tree grows by vertical veins and if a vein die a new branch can never be grown there again. I am planning to grow branches from the three trunks – this will soften the deadwood a bit.
If nothing bad happens the tree will look quite nice by the final picture date.
The trunks.
The tree has grown very well and I am very happy with the outcome.
The very small bud, highest on the left hand side of the front of the tree, has taken off and it is very important to me because it is keeping the vein alive – when I cut it back later on I will probably get some buds to fill in the space to the left.
If it does not stimulate buds I have grown a third trunk to the back of the tree that I can use to grow branches to the left of the front of the tree. I am fusing that trunk to the cambium of the carved area of the back of the tree.
The new trunk line that is noticeable in the front of the tree is going to play a big role in the future of the tree. I am trying to let that trunk follow the flow of the carve work.
The third trunk on top to right, is forming the current apex of the tree but the little pads still needs to be developed. The growth behind that apex is part of the third trunk to the back of the tree. I did not want to cut it because it is building the third trunk.
The branches.
The branches have grown well and I got some nice secondary and tertiary branches going. At this stage there are too many branches but for the health of the tree, still growing a new root system, I am going to keep them. The branches will be shaped typical of lightning struck Pine tree but with multiple new trunks.
The carving.
As soon as the veins have established and the bark died off naturally, the deadwood, especially to the back of the tree, will be work on some more. Over time I need to reduce the amount of deadwood and I will do that by following the same pattern as now but with more hollows, see through areas and ribs. The deadwood will be left alone for now so that the trunks and branches can catch up.
The nebari.
There is a lot of new roots forming but I don’t want to expose them at this stage because they die back quickly if they are still young. I believe it would take me two more years before I can expose any roots.
The pot.
The current pot is a chipped and cracked training pot. When the tree is ready it will be planted in a square cream/grey dripping glaze pot.
The future.
The tree has endured much the last few months so I will let it grow freely for the rest of the growing season. I will encourage sacrifice growth to thicken up the trunks and the areas where branches meet the trunk.
I am very proud of the tree and glad I entered the competition. My carve work has improved a lot!
Good luck to the other entrants and big thanks for organizing the competition.
[tab title=”Judge #1″]
Selection: 8
Design: 5
Technique: 6
Final Outcome: 5
Documentation: 10
Originality: 3
Total: 37
Good material to start with, well done technically, the desiign is a very abstract looking pine tree. With broadleaved material it would have been easy to make it not a broadleaved tree design.
[tab title=”Judge #2″]
Selection: 5
Design: 6
Technique: 9
Final Outcome: 7
Documentation: 10
Originality: 6
Total: 43
Good beginning, looks like it will make a great tree in the future.
[tab title=”Judge #3″]
Selection: 10
Design: 10
Technique: 8
Final Outcome: 9
Documentation: 9
Originality: 10
Total: 56